Questions You Should Ask Before Getting Your Wisdom Tooth Removed


The surgical process to remove one or more wisdom teeth is called a tooth extraction. They are a set of four adult teeth that are situated at the top and lower rear corners of your mouth.

You might require a tooth extraction near you if your wisdom tooth cannot erupt normally, causing discomfort, infection, or other dental issues. A dentist or an oral surgeon can carry out this procedure. Even when impacted teeth aren’t presently causing problems, some dental professionals and oral surgeons advise wisdom tooth removal to prevent possible issues from developing down the road.

What are Wisdom Teeth?

The final set of permanent teeth to emerge are the wisdom teeth, also known as third molars. They typically start to show up between the ages of 18 and 26. The wisdom teeth in some individuals never erupt. Others have no issues with their wisdom teeth because they usually erupt as their other molars did.

Many individuals lack enough space for their wisdom teeth to erupt, resulting in impacted wisdom teeth that may need removal.

Impacted wisdom teeth may:

  • Grow at an angle toward the neighbouring teeth
  • Grow at an angle toward the rear of the mouth
  • Develop at a right angle to the adjacent teeth, as if the wisdom tooth were “lying down” within the jawbone.
  • Like other teeth, they can grow vertically or horizontally but not from the jawbone.

Problems with Impacted Wisdom Teeth

You will likely experience the signs below if your wisdom teeth are impacted.

  • Pain
  • Trapping food remains behind the wisdom tooth
  • Infection or periodontal disease
  • Tooth decay in a partially erupted wisdom tooth
  • Damage to the adjacent tooth or the surrounding bone
  • Growth of a cyst, a fluid-filled sac, around the wisdom teeth
  • Complications with orthodontic treatments to straighten other teeth

Questions to Ask Before Your Procedure

It’s normal to feel anxious before having your wisdom teeth extracted, but it’s also a good idea to familiarize yourself with the ins and outs of the process. When you visit your dentist near you for wisdom teeth checkups, ask them the following questions.

  1. Is it safe to remove all four of your wisdom teeth at once?
  2. Will you be awake or asleep during your surgery?
  3. How long does the extraction take?
  4. What are the potential risks and complications?
  5. How long does the healing take after getting the teeth extracted?
  6. Do you need any additional procedures after your wisdom teeth are removed?
  7. Have your wisdom teeth caused any damage to the jaw or adjacent teeth?
  8. What kind of anesthesia will be used in the procedure?
  9. What measures to take before and after the process?
  10. How long can the bleeding last?
  11. What should you expect after your procedure?
  12. Why should you choose an oral surgeon specialist to extract your wisdom teeth?

Wisdom teeth extraction is a standard procedure you should not fear or worry about. Your dentist will provide anesthesia so you’re not in pain while they work. It is crucial to remember that complications are possible, so you should always abide by the directions and suggestions provided by our dentist in NE Calgary.

After all, you don’t want to spend weeks healing from an unnecessary problem. It’s also important to remember that you might experience distinct side effects from your surgery if you have any other medical conditions or are taking any medications.

At Totally Dental, we offer dental care services in a setting that maximizes safety and effectively uses modern technology. We have an expert and skilled staff at our dental clinic in NE Calgary who are experienced in performing tooth extraction NE Calgary and other dental care treatments to restore oral health and smile.

For more information about wisdom tooth removal, contact our friendly team and book your consultation today!
